Prevention101 is brought to you in part by the Advocacy for Professional Safety (APS)- an education-backed alliance of healthcare, medical responders and emergency care awareness groups united to share and promote public access to information about safety in patient care. APS is committed to producing and distributing the most current statements, safety guidelines, reccommended resource (both public and privately owned) as well as information about any current public support matters that may add to risk reduction in patient care facilities. Also, APS publishes additional materials about early detection and prevention projects for trade associations, labor groups and non-profit foundations.

Don't forget to "Like" & "Share"! Our FAQ Video Producers have developed these easy-to-watch (20-second) social media-friendly poster clips for free sharing with the world wide web! Smart Clips are wisdom from some of the top professionals interviewed for their insights featured in our health newsletters like Prevention101, Fight Recurrence and other headliners in Stay tuned for more Smart Clips coming soon to your social media.

See: "Intro to the Pulse Oximeter" (International Translations)



THE PULSE OXIMETER- is an electronic device that clips onto a patient’s finger to measure heart rate and oxygen saturation in his or her red blood cells—the device is useful in assessing patients with lung disease. Almost a year into the pandemic, we have seen waves of empty shelves of specific items due to panic shopping or the recent burst of proactive health trends. This reflects a significant part of "the Covid Culture"- comprising the demand for personal safety measures (beyond the holy trinity of masking, distancing and hand hygiene). In addition, more and more drug store shelves continue to stock up on self-check devices including the hand-held infrared Thermometers, Blood Pressure Cuffs, Spirometers and THE PULSE OXIMETER. -  See Feature article

Interview with ICU Critical Care Physician Dr. Pierre Kory
From mandatory masking to Infection Prevention to indoor air quality, the ICU Covid Care specialist is the first and the last line of defense in the global pandemic. But what keeps them safe and free from contamination? Learn how health professionals manage to stay healthy and Covid-free both on and off duty during the epicenter of the Corona surge. Get valuable insights on the most sensible safety measures and philosophies from health responders including reviews on proper PPE, health supplements, masking and a discussion on 'super-spreaders' -  See Feature article

Interview with Dr. Miguel Antonatos, founder of TEXT2MD
A year into the Covid pandemic, access to medical care continues to recover. Even with the vaccine in our midst, patients and all healthcare workers alike continue the fear for contamination- such that TRUSTING in the return to our old patient care format does not seem possible. This dilemma begs for new ideas, but our Covid era also calls for faster real-time medical response solutions. Dr. Antonatos is a visionary founder of a completely digital medical portal, what he considered "a little idea using TELEMEDICINE with patients from over 30 states". -  See Feature article

NYCRA NEWS and PREVENTION101 continues its mission to share the viewpoints of experts, renowned educators and health advocates in the spirit of expanding public knowledge. For this series, we connect with healthcare worker Dr. Michael Schulder, a leading Northwell Health neurosurgeon in Manhasset, NY. He is one of the first to share his insights and his personal research on the safety and efficacy of the recently deployed Coronavirus vaccine. Dr. Schulder also addresses his views on public skepticism about the vaccine over some of the unknown factors of the coronavirus. He shares his confidence in the science and the preventive strategy of the vaccine as well as its social impact on the global stage.  See Feature article

Mon, January 11, 2021
Recent headlines show evidence of Coronavirus pathogens in hospital air supply and air passageways- creating a systemic hazard for the staff and patients under critical care. Reports showing "substantial controversy whether severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) can be transmitted through aerosols. HEPA is a type of pleated mechanical air filter. It is an acronym for "high efficiency particulate air [filter]" This type of air filter can theoretically remove at least 99.97% of dust, pollen, mold, bacteria, and any airborne particles with a size of 0.3 microns (µm). Initiatives are in full swing from health departments and hospital safety leaders to advance sanitization measures and decontamination initiatives in hospitals. Agencies indicate that without adequate environmental controls, patients with airborne infectious disases will pose a risk to other patients and healthcare workers. See Feature article

HEALTH ALERT: Skin Reactions Potentially Linked to Heavy Metal Contamination
Heavy metal poisoning can occur from a signifiant exposure to certain metals in the air, water or digested materials. Heavy metals including ARSENIC, LEAD and MERCURY are recognized to cause a wide range of health issues and even death and others. Poisoning can happen if you eat or drink something tainted with heavy metals or if you breathe in contaminated dust or fumes. Indication of calcium deposits under the skin is now being explored with various chelation therapy experts. It is believed that this evidence of calcification may be related to the same plaque that appears in the bloodstream leading to atherosclerosis and/or coronary artery disease. Some chelation treatment experts theorize that EDTA “identifies and extracts” calcium deposits (or plaque in the bloodstream and arteries) to reducing the risk of heart disorders See Feature article

By: Conrad G. Maulfair, Jr. D.O. (updated from “Cancer Prevention, Yes You Can”
We have been using infusions of Vitamin C for decades with sometimes dramatic results. So far we have been talking about treating diagnosed cancer. How does this relate to prevention? Back to the cells. The beginning of cancer is an abnormal “genetically mutant” cell. If it is allowed to reproduce, it eventually creates cancer. If intravenous Vitamin C is helpful in treating cancer which has millions of cancer cells, would not intravenous Vitamin C be potentially very helpful in handling a few abnormal cells before they become tumors? In other words, utilizing an infusion of Vitamin C periodically would seem to be a very important part of a cancer prevention protocol. Kill off a few cancerous cells before they become many.

Based on a very true story
“After years of procrastinating, my husband Ted finally managed to book a trip to the dermatologist to remove a few annoying skin tags and a tiny mole from his left shoulder. On a routine trip to my radiologist, a simple handheld scanner concluded that Ted's mole was a MALIGNANT MELANOMA - a potentially deadly tumor. Ted discussed what would have been our next appointment and it was then that we realized that if the dermatologist would have applied the freezing solution to this mole under ‘standard procedure’ unaware of what we discovered, the melanoma would have metastasized and fast-tracked to every organ in the body.. . See Feature article

Review of the Emerging Evidence Supporting the Use of
Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19

Report originally published by FLCCC
Despite this growing list of therapeutics for COVID-19, the FLCCC recently discovered that ivermectin, an anti-parasitic medicine, has highly potent real-world, anti-viral, and antiinflammatory properties against SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. EXTRA: Front Line Covid Specialists: "NIH- Please Read our Data!" On Dec 8, 2020, committee chairman Republican Sen. Ron Johnson called ICU Pulmonary specialist and president of the FLCCC Dr. Pierre Kory to the US Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on behalf of frontline physicians about the current state of care in the Covid pandemic and what his group specifies as the logic-based treatment with scientifically proven data that he pleads the NIH to review. See Video and Testimony Transcript

FUCOIDAN: Anti-Cancer Functions + Inhibitor of Covid-19?
Originally published at the Journal of Modern Healing (9/2020)
Did you know that SEAWEED may be used for Anti-Cancer + Inhibitor of Covid-19? A natural health ingredient known as FUCOIDAN has joined our western fight against cancer -native to the cold temperate seas of China, Japan, Korea. According to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, "Fucoidan is a complex polysaccharide found in many species of brown seaweed .... shown to slow blood clotting. Laboratory studies suggest that it can prevent the growth of cancer cells and has antiviral, neuroprotective, and immune-modulating effects.. See full article

Friday, September 18, 2020 | Source:
Globally, one man dies from suicide every minute. That’s over half a million fathers, partners, brothers and friends each year. It’s one of the biggest public health challenges of our time. As the leading charity changing the face of men’s health, Movember, leading global supporter in men’s health projects, challenges the status quo, shaking up men’s health research and transforming the way health services reach and support men by acknowledging World Suicide Prevention Day (September 10). Even when it feels a little bit awkward, we’re asking you to reach out. Join us, and be there for your family and friends, not just on World Suicide Prevention Day but all 365 days of the year. Find the time and space to have conversations that matter. See Feature article | Click to see video/ Suicide Prevention

Monday, August 31, 2020
Meet Megan Meller- lead infection preventionist (with a research background in epidemiology) for Gundersen Health’s outpatient clinics (in La Crosse, WI). Her department is focused on the safety of patients and staff through education and reinforcing regulatory standards- like the cleanliness of their work environment, equipment and instruments used during patient care. In our day of Covid, education (to staff and patient) about infectious diseases can be a life-or-death matter. Her work in the front lines provides one of the top protective resources to keep everyone safe (from infection and health deterioration) as she targets all areas of potential injury including STAFF BURNOUT, CONTAGION TRACKING, PPE use, REGULATORY UPDATES on Safety Protocols etc. See Feature article

Monday, August 31, 2020
A major ray of hope in resolving the global pandemic comes from the international community of scientists! The UN Foundation helps support COVID-19 treatment research through mobilizing resources via the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund, as well as supporting WHO and partners working to discover COVID-19 treatments through advocacy and communications efforts with policy makers, global funders, and the general public. "We help share scientific information as its being discovered, as well as advocate for continued investments in this critical research and development efforts being coordinated by WHO and global partners like UNITAID, the Global Fund, and others through the ACT Accelerator." See Feature article



There are two flavors of recurrence- one being LOCAL recurrence and the other is METASTATIC. Local recurrence means that should for whatever reason some cancer tissue or cells get left behind, cancer can comes back (a curable situation). In the case of breast cancer (per se), recurrence can also mean METASTATIC- where it can re-appear outside the breast area and show up in the lymph nodes or the armpit. Now it doesn't mean it's not treatable, but it essentially means that the cancer now has traversed from the local area to a distant site, set up shop and grown to a point where it's now detectable in higher numbers. Recurrence is really a math game. The numbers would tell you that by the time that happens, there's so many cells and so many cell divisions that the heterogeneity of cancer (the main treatment challenge) prevents us from being able to cure metastatic disease, because we don't currently have enough drugs that can get rid of all of those different cancer cells. A patient's breast cancer, as an example, is not uniform. It's a dynamic process. Every time a cancer cell grows and divides those two daughter cells (if you will) are slightly different from one another. Whereas normal cells are exactly the same when they grow and divide-- they have to be (they're identical twins). This is the problem with cancer; it is a disease of DNA gone bad, but it's also underlying of what we call a genetic instability. (Learn more- BE more!)

Does UV-C Carry the Promise of SAFE SANITIZING?"
Thursday, July 22, 2020
In our current health crisis, prevention terms like DISINFECTING, SANITIZING or ANTI-BACTERIAL treatments are part of our common reality. Until recently, noxious "bio-killing" chemicals in atomized /spray form has been the most widely available choice on the market. With proper repeated use, fogging, spraying or ionizing chemistries in our living space are the popular option in contaminant prevention, but public concerns about the many possible physiological side effects of atomizing toxins into our air supply call for new alternatives.

The earlier studies on the germicidal efficacy of far UVC light were performed exposing bacteria irradiated on a surface or in suspension. Modern developments have since honed the science of deactivating viruses and their ability to contaminate and transmit diseases with proven success when directly applying 222-254nm of UVC light on airborne viruses and microbes. See Feature article

Covid Treatment from the Front Lines: High Reported Success Rate & "No Venting"
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Recently, a group of U.S. medical scholars specializing in critical care developed what appears to be an effective treatment protocol using a combination of medicines that shows remarkable success. It is called MATH+ which stands for: Methylprednisolone, Ascorbic Acid, Thiamine and Heparin. This protocol manages multiple facets of the illness and all complications known to arise from CoronaVirus infection. This protocol is designed to counter the body’s overwhelming inflammatory response to the virus as it is this hyper‐inflammation, not the virus itself, that damages the lungs and other organs, and ultimately leads to multi-organ failure and death. An interview with one of their leading treatment specialists, Dr. Joseph Varon from Houston TX- shares the success of MATH+ especially in one of the US' most recent Covid epicenters. See Feature article | Extra: Which Corticosteroid is Best for SARS-CoV-2?

Breath-Transmitted Virus Contained by "MASKING TOGETHER"
Wed, July 29, 2020
Typically, AIRBORNE micro-droplets tend to float and linger in the air for a period of time- and can be directly inhaled along with the virus without any person-to-person contact or even being near someone. Just sharing the same room, you can inhale the floating particles. This is what makes this infection different and much more dangerous than others.

An example of "super spreader" events is someone attending choir practice and 52 of the 60 people there all came home sick. That's all because exhaling the virus in a crowd stayed floating in the air for everyone else to breathe in. So how do you protect yourself from an airborne transmitted illness? A great way is by wearing an N95 respirator. This filters out those tiny little particles from entering your airways. If fitted properly the N95 blocks 99% of the particles- and there's significant proof that the rates of infection among healthcare workers went drastically down after we started using N95 everywhere around COVID patients. See full article >

The Killer Sneeze- Explained (Coronavirus Times)
Covid 19 is a killer that we cannot see. But imagine if we had special glasses to catch the Coronavirus in the air? Imagine being able to see billions of viruses flying over crowds of people breathing it in... or being able to see viral projectiles from what seems like an innocent cough or sneeze. Those micro particles that explode out of your nasal passages could be carriers of a lethal virus. Scientists have measured droplets from sneezing to go as far as 26 feet while staying suspended in mid-air for as long as 10-12 minutes. This is just one of the ways that a virus can infect so many people in such a short amount of time. ” PLAY VIDEO >


"Get in the Know" with PREVENTION NEWS
Suggested Safety Measures for Covid Prevention in Medical Offices
From respirators to hand sanitizers to regular use of hospital-grade disinfectants, the medical community is trusted to apply and set standards when it comes to safety measures, risk prevention strategies and sanitizing efforts. This article offers a collective set of smart and sensible safety ideas from a group of doctors in your area. ""Promoting SAFETY GUIDELINES in any health practice is everyone's duty in our community... we all need to do our part to help minimize the risk of contamination!" See complete article
The "SalScan" Project: Ultrasound Chest Monitoring of Covid+ Patient
In April, 2020, our very own "Cousin Sal" Banchitta (retired FF from the FDNY) recently tested positive for Coronavirus. He joined NYCRA's collaborating team to design a pilot program providing alternative respiatory screening for Corona-related lung issues for emergency responders. Sal took the opportunity to volunteer himself to be the first prototype patient for LungScanning as part of NYCRA's REMOTE TRAINING & TELE-RADIOLOGY program. PLAY VIDEOS PART 1 AND 2 | conclusion page
Possible Health Hazards Behind the Mask
As news reports are paying new attention to the safety and condition of our health providers, reports about Prolonged PPE Use by healthcare workers are showing signs of possible health issues from abnormally elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) levels that may lead to possible dizziness, hyperventilation and dehydration. View the report by the CDC about the many physiological effects of breathing increased concentrations of CO2 and the effects of failing overused respirator masks: See complete article

"Germophobe's "Paradise" & the Sanitizing Market Boom"

Learn about these active ingredients inside antimicrobial chemistries:
* Benzalkonium Chloride
* Isopropyl Alcohol
* Ethyl Alcohol (ethanol)
* Sodium hypochlorite
* Didecyldimethylammonium Chloride
* Alkyl Dimethyl Benzyl Ammonium Saccharinate” See complete article
"The Power of Prevention of COvid-19 is in YOUR HANDS"
Source: MD Anderson Cancer Center
You have the power to reduce your risk of infection by washing your hands often. Watch how a blacklight reveals what improper hand washing can leave behind. According to Dr. Christina Le-Short of MD Anderson Cancer Center, "Cancer patients are at greater risk of developing complications from respiratory viruses... Effective hand-washing is your best defense against germs that cause the flu or Covid-19". ” PLAY VIDEO >
Covid-19 Effects on the Lungs + Chest Ultrasound
Presented by: Dr. Stephen Chagares
This health crisis is known to attack the cardio-pulmonary system. Through the use of advanced chest ultrasound technology, we can identify anomalies in this area quickly without the stress of travel, waiting or long doctor visits. Clinicians worldwide have been earmarking how identifying issues in the lungs (and the cardiopulmonary area) through the use of ultrasound equipment can be quite helpful in monitoring, screening, scanning and tracking any infections that may be related to the Coronavirus. (See article | Play Video)

What Is PCR Testing for COVID-19?
Source- AACC: American Association for Clinical Chemistry
AACC President Dr. Carmen Wiley gives an overview of genetic tests called Prolimerase Chain Reaction or PCR TESTING, which is the most common type of test for COVID-19 and the one that patients are currently most likely to encounter. (Click to see video)
(Animation) What Happens If You Get Coronavirus?
Source- Nucleus Medical Media

This powerful 3D animated educational video on COVID-19 and the coronavirus is a collaboration between Nucleus Medical Media and the What If Channel. It presents a remarkable visual tour of the SARS-COV2 virus in a way that's easy to follow and learn. This video answers - "What happens in your body when you contract the Coronavirus?" and "How would a vaccine works?" see video>

Disclaimer: This section of is an ongoing set of excerpts or video links from selected independent sources not associated with our publication nor are related in any way with other sources published herein. All content sourced in this section have been selected on the merit of the scientific, technical or relevant information they provide. Any views and opinions expressed by the authors or speakers in the entries of this section may not necessarily reflect those of our publishers and producers.

Bootleggers Adding Risk to Health Responders

From masks, face shields, gowns, nitro gloves, hazmat suits and complete selection of protective field equipment, health responders relies on PPE's (Protective Equipment) against the many contaminants that could mean life-or-death. According to an interview with a local distributor, "the supply chain industry, especially coming out of China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea is a mixed bag when it comes to quality. A big part of our job is sifting through bootlegs and counterfeit items... discerning who's who is in and of itself a lifesaving job. The price of bringing counterfeits to the public is steep, not to mention being directly complicit to causing harm to those who rely on you for their very safety!" SEE ARTICLE >

Global Medical Allies Share Lung Ultrasound Imaging Solution For COVID-19 Triage
Dr. Bard reviews international healthcare and technology updates as part of his continued research in the radiological society. This includes Dr. Buonsenso's national reports about the Covid crisis and the expanded use of lung ultrasound as part of his investigation of children as clinically unaffected carriers. “The global pandemic demands effective answers toward a cure as well as protection of healthcare workers on duty", says Dr. Bard. "I have the highest regard for the European approach to problem solving both clinically and technologically… applying Dr. Buonsenso’s concept makes perfect sense to me and carries great value in our war against Covid-19.” (see complete article)

In keeping with daily maintenance in our current pandemic, "knowing is half the battle" and is a useful weapon against an invisible enemy. According to the site, PREVENTION protocols include MATILDA'S LAW which includes:

  • Remaining indoors
  • Going outside for solitary exercise
  • Pre-screening all visitors by taking their temperature
  • Wearing a mask in the company of others
  • Staying at least 6 feet from others
  • Do not take public transportation unless urgent and absolutely necessary

in addition to washing your hands and wearing a cloth face covering or a mask around others. As we all agree that illnesses can be unpredictable (and even SNEAKY), to know your body requires a few essential use daily to check your current state of health. (see graphic L) This includes a PULSE OXIMETER to check your daily oxygen saturation of your blood. This helps identify if there is something wrong with yor lung functions. Next, check your temperature at least once a day. If it is possible to have more than one thermometer, this allows you to get a confirmation reading as you should never trust any thermometer to always be accurate. Lastly, a blood pressure monitor to track high BP or irregularities - considering the coronavirus hs a cardio-pulmonary disorder (that means lungs and heart).

Within the past several decades, the medical community has been put into overdrive to come up with new solutions (or modify existing ones) to implement safer, more efficient and cost-effective ways of working with the public. From the global demand for active medical personnel, to the rising wave of safety concerns that of the many at-risk patients, we face a great need to upgrade patient care. Elderly patients with chronic conditions or those with compromised immune systems may find it difficult (and even precarious) to travel to their doctors' office and sit in a waiting room next to strangers with unknown health conditions. Upgrading to an electronic doctor's visit or TELEMEDICINE is an available reality that addresses this concern.

IMMUNE BOOSTING FOODS are essential in fighting viruses and diseases. Some have other immune supportive properties including ANTI-INFLAMMATORIES (like ginger and garlic).  There are also ANTIBACTERIAL, ANTIVIRAL & ANTIFUNGAL FOODS which will also help reduce the strength of the flu, colds and infections. But not all of these actually fight viruses.  A leading anti-inflammatory is Omega-3 found in fish oil and fatty fish.  Another one is Turmeric which greatly cuts down on the inflammation in your body and strengthening the immune system to better help fight any disease.

Wisdom source:

3-17-2020: It is human nature and common practice to forget our blessings and take things for granted as we hyper-obsess on the woes of our adversity. It certainly does not help when everywhere you turn, headlines push the same fear-driven buzz terms about how grim our current situation appears to be. Terms like UNPRECEDENTED OUTBREAK, UNCERTAIN TIMES, GLOBAL PANDEMIC and DEATH TOLLS echo one depressing report after the next. Understandably, getting people to think prevention by invoking fear from contamination means highlighting the darkest motivations and the many consequences that come with it. ... But as impending disasters go, this may be the right time to empower ourselves with a new flavor of forward thinking and a healthy new perspective. We need to take a major breath from all this as part of maintaining our sanity and not succumb to PANIC and the allure of fear. (See complete OP Ed)

Chronic conditions like lung and heart disease, lupus, and diabetes directly affects the immune system. Also patients diagnosed with AIDS and cancer (including patients currently undergoing chemotherapy treatments) can leave a person immuno-compromised, making them at the highest risk of contracting deadly viruses like the Coronavirus.

Anyone with weakened immune systems are highly advised to stay indoors and away from any possible contact with the many possible risks of infection from the outside elements. To battle this pandemic internally, we all need a strong IMMUNE SYSTEM to recover from contamination- so STAY SAFE while you recover.


According to the Surgeon General at the US Dept. of Heath & Human Services, the "seven Priorities are designed to improve health and wellness for the entire U.S. population, including those groups disproportionately affected by disease and injury."
• Tobacco Free Living
• Preventing Drug Abuse and Excessive Alcohol Use
• Healthy Eating / Active Living
• Injury and Violence Free Living
• Reproductive and Sexual Health
• Mental and Emotional Well-Being

By pursuing a lifestyle of LONGEVITY and WELLNESS, you are paving the way for a well-balanced, pain-free life. Further studies including data from the CDC have continually helped to drive Americans to think 'better health' as the national mortality statistics continue to prevail. The 5 leading causes (66% of all deaths)-- Heart Disease: 27%. Cancer: 23%. Chronic lower respiratory disease: 6%. Stroke: 5%. Unintentional injuries" 5%.

CANCER PREVENTION can be closely aligned with EARLY DETECTION. But from the perspective of a lifestyle upgrade, it is greatly proven that smart nutrition, toxin prevention (smoking, alcohol, drug abuse control), Stress management and Immune system support are all main ingredients to the prevention of cancers. These same protocols, for those who recently underwent cancer treatment, are what medical experts and wellness professionals prescribe to STAY IN REMISSION.

According to the World Health Organization, early detection of cancer greatly increases the chances for successful treatment. In the ongoing battle against cancer, it is common knowledge that most cancers in their early stages are far more likely to be treated with positive results. Moreover, a thorough checkup of one's physiological analyses, heredity review and personal data gathering (from blood & dna tests) are all strong info-gatherings for early warning signs that someone may be a candidate for cancer. PROACTIVE tasking starts from AWARENESS, EDUCATION & SCREENINGS. The right attitude of self-preservation and an appreciation for longevity is lesson #1. Pursuing a balanced lifestyle covering all the bases of nutrition, exercise, sleep, detoxing and de-stressing is also part of a life-plan of better living.

"In my tenure as one of the founding directors of the Male Breast Cancer Coalition, I have met so many brave and inspiring men who have come forward about this plaguing disease. Against the odds, they stepped up to get a complete diagosis, underwent the process of cancer treatment and are still with us today- walking this earth to spread the word to others about how REAL Male Breast Cancer truly is!

Recently, I have met a growing number of FIREFIGHTERS in our area who fell prey to this disorder. As OCCUPATIONAL HAZARDS go, first responders carry some of the highest risk for cancers due to the exposure to some of the most horrible toxins. But the real danger is the stigma about getting Breast Cancer that keeps them from getting checkups. Thanks to NYCRA's "Get Checked Now" campaign, more and more are getting our message on time to address the cancer, and to stay vigilant about EARLY DETECTION & PREVENTION about this cancer and all other cancers that threaten our lives."

- Cheri Ambrose, MBCSCAN / Male Breast Cancer Coalition


Knowing that you have CANCER can impair your ability to make the best choices. Gain a different outlook (with possible results) with a fresh pair of eyes and tools. Get new insights on your current health & lab reports and receive an alternate diagnostic imaging exam of your target area(s) to get validation or competing opinions on what’s truly going on inside. Confirm your primary diagnosis or possibly uncover false-positives and other misreadings that could change your entire treatment strategy altogether!

From the moment you receive the news about having cancer, you may grow curious about what other treatment options another oncologist would prescribe? You may want to get another doctor’s perspective on your current diagnosis or get another set of professional eyes to review your reports. All these concerns are quite natural and common - especially when it comes to pursuing such a major commitment as cancer care. We all want to gather all the information we can from trusted sources to build an intelligent direction that gives us complete confidence. That’s what a SECOND OPINION offers.

A Second Opinion helps affirm (or challenges) your current treatment strategy for your exact type of cancer. Finding another specialist outside of the prior doctor's circle of influence helps bring a different perspective to identifying any unique anomalies that other doctors and technologies may overlook. A second opinion is all about getting PEACE OF MIND in troubleshooting or problem solving your most vital health concerns



 Source: National Cancer Institute Published on Jun 13, 2018 (Youtube Channel)

The immune system is one of our basic and most important systems in our body designed to protect us from potential threats from outside our body, as well as from abnormalities and abnormal cells that are generated from within. It's able to accomplish this miraculous task through a combination of cells and through communication molecules called cytokines. Together, they work together to weave an impenetrable web that, in most cases, should protect us from all sorts of severe and chronic diseases. But if we're exposed to things that can damage the immune system (such as poor nutrition, infections, toxins, traumas or severe stresses) a rip in the fabric can lead to our loss of protection that could lead to severe or chronic illness.

For more information on IMMUNOLOGY, visit:

Melissa Rohman | March 19, 2018 | Oncology Imaging

High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) may potentially replace drug treatment for pain in cancer patients when combined with surgery, radiation therapy or chemotherapy, according to new research published online in the March-April 2018 issue of Radiographics. Cancer related pain may directly stem from tumors, injury to nociceptors or result from surgery or radiation therapy and is commonly treated with prescribed opioid analgesics. The noninvasive technique of HIFU however, which is approved for uterine fibroids, bone metastases, essential tremors and encouraged to treat pancreatic cancers, may be more effective than drugs and spare patients serious side effects and toxicity, according to researchers. At the forefront of HIPU treatment is precision: MRI technology localizes high-intensity ultrasound waves on a targeted region of the body without damaging surrounding tissues or organs. Noninvasive in nature and able to be safely repeated and combined with chemotherapy or radiation therapy, HIPU alleviates cancer related pain through tissue denervation, tumor mass reduction and neuromodulation, the researchers wrote, ultimately offering a multimodality approach to treating malignant diseases. (see complete article)


For first responders, a NYC-based imaging facility Using state-of-the-art, high-speed equipment that's captures advanced cancer scans and subdermal screening in real-time through the use of COMPUTERIZED 3D DOPPLER HISTOGRAM technology. This innovation uses unique forms of sonography to evaluate blood flow related to tumor activity and to identify areas of suspicion. More tumor vessels signifies more aggressive disease. 3D analysis is non-invasive and rapid with results available to the patient during the visit. Patients in need of reassurance and world class imaging come from all countries for cancers of the prostate, breast, skin, thyroid and melanoma. For more info, visit:


For first The modern era of diagnostic clinical imaging continues to expand in areas of optimal speed, sensitivity and feasibility as part of its continued pursuits to bring a non-invasive diagnostic modalities to our treatment community. The Reflectance Confocal Microscopy (RCM) gives dermatologists a major upgrade (over age-old microscopy) in their ability to assess pathologic and physiologic conditions of the skin with a higher level of clinical accuracy, greatly supporting the reduction of calls for biopsies of benign lesions. Responding to the limitations of biopsies and conventional screening methods, the non-invasive movement which includes the 3D/4D Doppler Histogram, Contrast Doppler Ultrasound, OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography) and the in vivo RCM brings a heightened level of performance and responsiveness in areas of resolution, magnification, depth, contrast, and immediate results from bedside. For more info, visit complete article @ Modern Diagnostic Science


A recent trend in testing kits commercially distributed to physicians and/or direct to the consumer, are changing the way patients are receiving treatment and billed. Packaging lab testing services from anywhere in the country through a portable (mailable) transport kit is a most cost effective and efficient way to expand public access to and from any specialized lab service(s). One of the more prominent blood test kits available is called IVYGENE- allowing access to a specialized lab from anywhere in the country to partner with any clinic or practice. This streamlines the retrieval and delivery of acquired blood samples to the designated lab and greatly eliminating a number of steps and "overhead" expenses. Instead of building a high-priced lab in each city, county or state, there is now just once central lab for the entire country. For more info, visit our IVYGENE REPORT.


A firefighter's emergency rescue work often brings exposure to a wide range of hazardous (and potentially carcinogenic) substances. A recent study from the IAFF shows a significant percentage of firefighters will be diagnosed with cancer at some point during their lifetime. Others studies indicate that firefighters are up to 2X at risk for developing certain cancers. It is for this reason that First Responders HealthScan and its clinical partners including Integrative Medicine of NY helped to publicly introduce genetic testing protocols and such scanning/diagnostic innovations as the IvyGene solution to the community. Originally founded for 9/11 survivors and victims, the 911CancerScan program brings informational and resource access to any and all first responders to address this health risk. See the First Responders Cancer & Health Support Resource website for more information.

ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH NEWS: Prevention101 brings public awareness about all matters that affect our health and well being. This includes the many envrionemental agents that major entities like large corporations, pharmaceutical companies and their products can bring to our lives and our very existence. In this feature, we present cancer-related news and health concerns from independent publications about the widely used herbicide GLYPHOSATE, the active ingredient in over 750 pesticides. [See fact sheet about Glyphosate in] These agricultural and pharma-related news features report about lives affected and class action lawsuits due to the widespread cases of non-hodgkins lymphoma cases allegedly triggered by pesticides including the internationally marketed product "ROUND-UP".


By Christopher Walljasper April 15, 2019 (original source:

The report, compiled by the CDC’s Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, is an analysis of 64 studies, conducted on both animals and humans. Its purpose is to determine the health effects of exposure to glyphosate, as well as identify the need for more research. It breaks down possible health effects, including the chemical’s association with heart and lungs problems, renal function, human reproduction, cancer and even death. The CDC also said that many of the human studies relied on self-reporting, which has limitations...

A school groundskeeper was awarded $289 million last August in a suit against Monsanto, the manufacturer of Roundup, after a jury concluded the man’s non-Hodgkin lymphoma was likely connected to his continued exposure to glyphosate. Bayer, which bought Monsanto in 2018, is appealing the decision. There are still around 8,000 pending lawsuits against the company over glyphosate. See complete article, visit: © Copyright 2019, Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting

Costly cancer lawsuits may spur search to replace world's most common weed killer - May 22, 2019
"Total fear and shock." That's how Andrew Kniss, (weed scientist from the University of Wyoming in Laramie) describes the reaction of farmers to recent courtroom defeats suffered by a leading manufacturer of glyphosate, the world's most widely used herbicide. Agricultural researchers … fear the loss of a compound that is crucial for controlling weeds and conserving soil. The scientists and farmers "are really nervous that these verdicts could cause them to lose this tool." Last week, a California jury awarded $2B to two property owners who claimed their non-Hodgkin lymphoma, was caused by years of using Roundup, a glyphosate-based herbicide. (See complete article at: )

Cancer Risks From Monsanto’s Weedkiller Deserve Further Scrutiny, Government Agency Says - Apr. 12, 2019
A new analysis of Monsanto’s signature herbicide, glyphosate, released by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, gives weight to studies connecting glyphosate and non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and recommends monitoring children’s exposure to this toxic weedkiller. Although EPA has maintained its outdated position that glyphosate is not likely to cause cancer, the ATSDR stated in its report, based on the findings of studies in humans, that “a possible association between exposure to glyphosate and risk of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma could not be ruled out.” (See complete article at: U.S. Right to Know- ) Copyright © Environmental Working Group, Reproduced with permission



This program is a simple plan to keep cancer away- or increase the likelihood of beating cancer with the comprehensive Early Detection & Prevention plan. In each case, much can be done to prevent the current stage. The first step is to GET MORE FAMILIAR WITH YOURSELF.

• Be aware of your genetic lineage: risk of cancer increases upon heredity. The first place to look is within your own dna or family history. Many cancers tend to travel down generations. It can also have the tendency to skip one generation and appear in the next one.

• Periodic Checking of your body for any anomalies like lumps, bumps, discolored bruises or growths. Self-checking is the first base. Also stay on top of unusual feelings like frequent headaches, unique pains and strains- anything that feels out of the ordinary. Take nothing for granted when it comes to your body.

• Know your environment: Many health issues are known to be caused by environmental toxins. Where you sleep, eat and work could be affecting how you feel later. Some health hazards are fairly visible and apparent while others may need some historical research in your area where there may have been potential chemical wastes or spills in the past. If you know of such issues, further research, demographic studies, protective measures and targeted checkups may be your next step.


Source: National Cancer Institute

If you have a symptom or a screening test result that suggests cancer, your doctor must find out whether it is due to cancer or some other cause. The doctor may start by asking about your personal and family medical history and do a physical exam. The doctor also may order lab tests, imaging tests (scans), or other tests or procedures. You may also need a biopsy, which is often the only way to tell for sure if you have cancer. This page covers tests that are often used to help diagnose cancer. Depending on the symptoms you have, you may have other tests, too. (click each icon for expanded info)

LAB TESTS PET SCAN (Positron emission tomography)
CT SCAN (Computed tomography) ULTRASOUND
MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging) X-RAYS

To learn more about other tests that may be used to plan treatment for your cancer, see the PDQ® cancer treatment summaries for adult and childhood cancers for your type of cancer. Source: National Cancer Institute


Click HERE to read all about some of the DEADLIEST TOXINS identified in fire zones by renowned toxicology expert Prof. David Purser. Also review medical comparisons in cancer latency and recurrence cases between CHERNOBYL and 9/11 + our first Pulmonary study in our summer newsletter feature" "IT ALL STARTS AT THE LUNGS" The Bee Gees are not the only messengers for STAYING ALIVE. Meet retired paramedic and volunteer firefighter Richard Marrone & hear his "Get Checked Now!" story.

Meet Ret. Chief Larry Overcast- Retired Firefighter turned Breast Cancer Missionary

From an Interview with Awareness for a Cure reporter in 9/19/2018

They say you're cancer-free but in the back of your mind, there's always a chance of the 'boogerman' will jump up and get'ya. I was a Shelbyville firefighter back in 1973, and I worked there until '76. then I came back in '86 and officially retired 2011; the whole time, we didn't have any breathing (protection) apparatus. I worked there of a total, probably 33 years as a firefighter; a driver; a captain, but this captain still had to fight fires. We call it fire hall number one- as one of three stations in the city of Shelbyville, Tennessee. When I came back in '86 they started carrying respiratory protection on their trucks, but we didn't use em, and then with all the new plastics and the new synthetic materials and stuff coming out; I think I was one of the first ones that started using it because I didn't want all that stuff in my lungs. Out of it, they say I've got a touch of COPD; I don't know if that came from the fire department because I never smoked.

Around September 2016. I was out weed eating and mowing the grass. I wiped off sticks and sweat from my chest and that's when I felt something. I tried to wipe it off, and I looked down, and it was a little knot, about the size of the end of your little finger. (See full article) - special thanks to the MALE BREAST CANCER COALITION


The MALE BREAST CANCER COALITION, NY Cancer Resource Alliance and Bard Cancer Diagnostics (NYC) united to create the first comprehensive Male Breast Cancer Screening & Monitoring program dedicated to providing men with the full-service facility to screen, monitor and track any and all breast cancers in men. This also includes a complete awareness program about early detection, recurrence prevention and both pre-and-post treatment solutions.







Historical reports show significant cancer claims from emergency rescue units- especially FIREFIGHTERS. Where prior diagnoses may not identify dormant cancer strains, this program is attuned to search for and recognize markers from a thorough and comprehensive review with the use of advanced Histogram Analysis technology. Dr. Bard's program is also available for pinpointing a more accurate 'second view' of the behavior of pre-existing 9/11-related cancer cases (thyroid, kidney, prostate, lung, pancreatic, leukemia & multiple myeloma, etc.) and can recommend solutions that may confirm or invalidate prior reviews. Also, the BCD program is designed to providing a detailed analysis of many tumors, cysts or premalignant lesions that is complementary to most recognized biopsy reports without the invasive surgical procedure!

Another effective "weapon" in the battle against this epidemic is the Bard Cancer Diagnostic Program: From Advanced Cancer Scanning to the Non-Invasive "Digital Biopsy". Once the patient has been certified (and validated) by the WTC Health Program, individuals suffering from 9/11 related illnesses can receive VCF Compensation and reimbursements for their medical treatment. Patients now have their own choice of health professionals and the option to pursue recently available advanced medical care.

Dr. Robert Bard, expert Cancer diagnostician and the Northeast’s expert in 4D Doppler Imaging has developed the POST 9/11 CANCER DIAGNOSTICS PROGRAM. His NYC-based facilities (Bard Cancer Diagnostic Imaging) are equipped with only the most advanced state-of-the-art technologies that often out-performs higher-priced MRI’s, CT-Scan’s and X-Rays while promising to deliver more affordable and accurate reports in REAL-TIME from a process that's ready in MINUTES. BCD is prepared to provide any 9/11 first responder or survivor with advanced cancer screenings to search for impending cancers. Pre-cancerous symptoms that may arise as per the rising reported numbers of post-9/11 cancer cases are evaluated quickly, accurately and painlessly.

BARD CANCER DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING(NYC) has isolated and scanned countless cases of cancers using the most advanced diagnostic imaging technologies worldwide. We provide early detection and real-time "digital biopsies" of many tumor types using 4D Doppler innovations bringing accuracy and expediency to the comprehensive report- within MINUTES. For our patients, this is a priceless advantage that cuts down the wait time, decreases travel (to multiple diagnostic centers) and reduces the insurmountable level of stress and intolerable problems of today’s increasing medical bureaucracy. Our technology outperforms the advantages of MRI, X-ray and CT scans by 20-to-1. We have an uncompromising system that’s unique to the health care profession whereby our combined experience and technical advancements are called upon by many university hospitals and private practices today. My services were recently utilized during the terror attack in Nice by the truck driver who mowed down innocent civilians on the French Riviera where-x-ray and CT services were overwhelmed (I am a current member of the French Radiology Society-Societe Francaise de Radiologie since 1999)

With the aid of 4D Doppler Technology, Dr. Bard can identify, detect and analyze many tumors from pre-malignant areas to advanced cancerous cases. The regular sonogram shows a malignant disorder (top) while the 4D scan (bottom) displays a mass filled with cancerous arteries and veins meaning this is highly aggressive requiring immediate attention.

Exposure to toxins may produce cancers in many organs. This patients chronic cough prompted a chest sonogram showing a pulmonary tumor that had produced malignant fluid partially collapsing the breathing volume but had not yet metastasized below the diaphragm. The liver, an early target of cancer seeding, was clearly seen to be untouched in the same sonogram study simply by moving the probe from the chest wall to the abdomen sparing our patient from extra testing and mental stress over the possible spread of disease.

Our mesothelioma patient (pictured above) had a minor injury and noticed a new lump under the small bruise. A 5 minute scan showed the discoloration was caused by minor blood vessel damage due to the underlying BENIGN fatty tumor.  Cysts and other non-malignant disorders can be distinguished from metastatic lymph nodes (glands) providing “real-time” relief of anxiety of cancer recurrence.

MPR-TV reports on Advanced Cancer Doppler Imaging. Meet Dr. Robert L. Bard (award-winning cancer diagnostician and expert imaging specialist). Get the facts about the many new 9/11 Cancer Cases 18 years since the terror attacks- and how we are waging a new war with advanced technology like the use of 3D/4D Doppler Histogram Scans.  



Having paved the way for the study of various cancers both clinically and academically, Dr. Robert Bard co-founded the 9/11 Cancer Scan program to bring additional diagnostic support to all first responders from Ground Zero. His main practice in midtown, NYC (Bard Diagnostic Imaging- uses the latest in digital Imaging technology has been also used to help guide biopsies and in many cases, even replicate much of the same reports of a clinical invasive biopsy. Imaging solutions such as high-powered Sonograms, Spectral Doppler, sonofluoroscopy, 3D/4D Image Reconstruction and the Spectral Doppler are safe, noninvasive, and does not use ionizing radiation. It is used as a complement to find anomalies and help diagnose the causes of pain, swelling and infection in the body’s internal organs while allowing the diagnostician the ability to zoom and ‘travel’ deep into the body for maximum exploration.

Dr. Stoff is a highly-credentialed medical expert studying all medical remedies in pursuit of resolving the most challenging health issues of our time. In many circles, he is recognized for his 35+ years of dedicated work in immunology and advanced clinical research in modern CANCER treatments. He has spoken worldwide in some of the most sought-after medical conferences about his experiences and analyses on the study of human disease. His integrative practice INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE OF NY, Westbury, NY) has been continually providing all patients with the many comprehensive clinical options and modalities available- including "ONCO-IMMUNOLOGY", the science of battling cancer cells and reversing pre-cancerous conditions through a complete prevention program that has earned him great success in this field.Dr. Stoff has treated and managed countless patients who were affected by 9/11-related disorders and continues both public awareness efforts and clinical research in supporing this community of victims.

After the Compassionate Care Act came into effect, Dr. Thomas O’Brien upgraded his family practice in NYC to include the use of medical marijuana (THC & CBD solutions) for his patients by being one of the first certified physicians in the State of New York allowed to prescribe regulated dosages of THC and CBD as needed. His use of this treatment solution includes patients with a wide range of disorders from chronic pain to cancer and tumors. Credentialed as a clinical nutritionist, getting certified to treat patients with cannabis products has become a logical next-step evolution and a positive addition to Dr. O’Brien’s tool box. His research with medical cannabis showed extensive clinical success and was also impressed by its nature-based solution to help a widening list of disorders without harmful side effects. (see complete article)

As a therapist and coach, much of Jessica's work with clients is focused on helping to manage symptoms of anxiety and panic- that which manifests in physical and often frightening & alarming ways. This includes the many emotional and psychological stressors (such as being diagnosed with CANCER and other chronic illnesses) which can bring feelings of being out control of our bodies and our surrounding world. Jessica has been recognized for providing great support for patients managing varying levels of Trauma and residually related fears by working together to process physical emotions that arise from anxiety. Her specialized work is dedicated to supporting patients in living more presently and enjoying life’s fulfilling moments by identifying challenging thoughts and processing them in a more self-aware and grounded way. Visit her website-

Tamara is an acclaimed psychotherapist, hypnotherapist and a highly trained dating and relationship coach in private practice. She is referred to as “The Soul-Centered Love & Relationship Expert” by Elle Magazine. She is routinely featured as a behavioral health expert on and Focusing on self-care and mind-body wellness, Tamara is an international best selling author, trainer, and speaker. She combines her many years of professional training and life experience to create powerfully effective guided meditations that have helped thousands to achieve peace, love, and wellbeing. Her educational degrees include a Bachelor of Science in Public Administration from the University of Southern California and a Masters in Social Work from Fordham University. She attended Ackerman Institute for Couples and Family Therapy for her postgraduate training and has recently completed Advanced Training at the Center for Mind-Body Medicine.. Visit her website-

Dr. Stephen Chagares is a NJ board-certified surgeon in Tinton Falls and a global pioneer in advanced robotic procedures. He is a major supporter of post-surgical health maintenance for all patients especially cancer survivors who underwent reconstructive surgeries. His commitment to the continued evolution of modern medicine supports the development of protocols to use advanced ultrasonic screening solutions for all mastectomy patients and implant users. "I am hoping Dr. Bard’s advanced ultrasonic screening becomes the foundation for development of future protocols for screening and diagnostic imaging for all breast implant patients. Hopefully, these protocols using this ultrasound technology can be incorporated with other breast implant safety programs to create the best medical care possible for all breast implant patients.” - (see complete feature article) For more about Dr. Chagares, visit his website-

CHERI AMBROSE, Co-editor / outreach coordinator for NYCRA
Cheri is the associate editor for various publications such as PinkSmart News, the Journal for Modern Healing and First Responders Cancer News. She is a patient advocate for many cancer-related programs and often contributes her time in cancer research fundraising events. As the communications director for the NY Cancer Resource Alliance, she manages community outreach, partnership missions with other cancer foundations and research organizations and attends educational functions for cancer awareness. Her latest public projects include the launch of and She stands as the current President of the male Breast Cancer Coalition (

Copyright 2018- Awareness for a Cure and NYCRA (NY Cancer Resource Alliance). All Rights Reserved.


The New York Cancer Resource Alliance (NYCRA) is a self-funded union of volunteers comprised of caregivers, accredited medical professionals, cancer educators, publishers and published experts, patient support clinicians and non-profit foundation partners whose united mission is to bring public education and supportive resource information to the community of patients, survivors and any individual(s) seeking answers about cancer. NYCRA is an exclusive, non-commercial private network originally established on the LINKEDIN digital society and is supported in part by the AngioFoundation whose mission is to share informative materials to the community. For more information, visit:

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