Source: National Cancer Institute

If you have a symptom or a screening test result that suggests cancer, your doctor must find out whether it is due to cancer or some other cause. The doctor may start by asking about your personal and family medical history and do a physical exam. The doctor also may order lab tests, imaging tests (scans), or other tests or procedures. You may also need a biopsy, which is often the only way to tell for sure if you have cancer. This page covers tests that are often used to help diagnose cancer. Depending on the symptoms you have, you may have other tests, too. (click each icon for expanded info)

LAB TESTS PET SCAN (Positron emission tomography)
CT SCAN (Computed tomography) ULTRASOUND
MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging) X-RAYS


High or low levels of certain substances in your body can be a sign of cancer. So, lab tests of your blood, urine, or other body fluids that measure these substances can help doctors make a diagnosis. However, abnormal lab results are not a sure sign of cancer. Learn more about laboratory tests and how they are used to diagnose cancer. Some lab tests involve testing blood or tissue samples for tumor markers. Tumor markers are substances that are produced by cancer cells or by other cells of the body in response to cancer. Most tumor markers are made by normal cells and cancer cells but are produced at much higher levels by cancer cells. Learn more about tumor markers and how they are used to diagnose cancer.


Imaging tests create pictures of areas inside your body that help the doctor see whether a tumor is present. These pictures can be made in several ways:

A CT (Computerized Tomography) scan uses an x-ray machine linked to a computer to take a series of pictures of your organs from different angles. These pictures are used to create detailed 3-D images of the inside of your body. Sometimes, you may receive a dye or other contrast material before you have the scan. You might swallow the dye, or it may be given by a needle into a vein. Contrast material helps make the pictures easier to read by highlighting certain areas in the body. During the CT scan, you will lie still on a table that slides into a donut-shaped scanner. The CT machine moves around you, taking pictures. Learn more about CT scans and how they are used to diagnose cancer.


An MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) uses a powerful magnet and radio waves to take pictures of your body in slices. These slices are used to create detailed images of the inside of your body, which can show the difference between healthy and unhealthy tissue. When you have an MRI, you lie still on a table that is pushed into a long, round chamber. The MRI machine makes loud thumping noises and rhythmic beats. Sometimes, you might have a special dye injected into your vein before or during your MRI exam. This dye, called a contrast agent, can make tumors show up brighter in the pictures.


A nuclear scan uses radioactive material to take pictures of the inside of the body. This type of scan may also be called radionuclide scan. Before this scan, you receive an injection of a small amount of radioactive material, which is sometimes called a tracer. It flows through your bloodstream and collects in certain bones or organs. During the scan, you lie still on a table while a machine called a scanner detects and measures the radioactivity in your body, creating pictures of bones or organs on a computer screen or on film. After the scan, the radioactive material in your body will lose its radioactivity over time. It may also leave your body through your urine or stool.


Bone scans are a type of nuclear scan that check for abnormal areas or damage in the bones. They may be used to diagnose bone cancer or cancer that has spread to the bones (also called metastatic bone tumors). Before this test, a very small amount of radioactive material is injected into your vein. As it travels through the blood, the material collects in abnormal areas in the bone. Areas where the material collects show up on pictures taken by a special scanner. These areas are called “hot spots.”


A PET (Positron Emission Ttomography) scan is a type of nuclear scan that makes detailed 3-D pictures of areas inside your body where glucose is taken up. Because cancer cells often take up more glucose than healthy cells, the pictures can be used to find cancer in the body. Before the scan, you receive an injection of a tracer called radioactive glucose. During the scan, you will lie still on a table that moves back and forth through a scanner.


An ultrasound exam uses high-energy sound waves that people cannot hear. The sound waves echo off tissues inside your body. A computer uses these echoes to create pictures of areas inside your body. This picture is called a sonogram. During an ultrasound exam, you will lie on a table while a tech slowly moves a device called a transducer on the skin over the part of the body that is being examined. The transducer is covered with a warm gel that makes it easier to glide over the skin.


X-rays make up X-radiation, a form of high-energy electromagnetic radiation. X-rays use low doses of radiation to create pictures inside your body. An x-ray tech will put you in position and direct the x-ray beam to the correct part of your body. While the images are taken, you will need to stay very still and may need to hold your breath for a second or two.


In most cases, doctors need to do a biopsy to diagnose cancer. A biopsy is a procedure in which the doctor removes a sample of tissue. A pathologist looks at the tissue under a microscope and runs other tests to see if the tissue is cancer. The pathologist describes the findings in a pathology report, which contains details about your diagnosis. Pathology reports play an important role in diagnosing cancer and helping decide treatment options. Learn more about pathology reports and the type of information they contain.


The biopsy sample may be obtained in several ways:

WITH A NEEDLE: The doctor uses a needle to withdraw tissue or fluid. This method is used for bone marrow aspirations, spinal taps, and some breast, prostate, and liver biopsies.

WITH ENDOSCOPY: The doctor uses a thin, lighted tube called an endoscope to examine areas inside the body. Endoscopes go into natural body openings, such as the mouth or anus. If the doctor sees abnormal tissue during the exam, he will remove the abnormal tissue along with some of the surrounding normal tissue through the endoscope.

Examples of endoscopy exams include:

COLONOSCOPY which is an exam of the colon and rectum. In this type of exam, an endoscope goes through the anus, allowing the doctor to examine the rectum and colon. If the doctor sees polyps, she will remove them and send them to a lab for testing.

BRONCHOSCOPY, which is an exam of the trachea, bronchi, and lungs. In this type of exam, an endoscope goes through the mouth or nose and down the throat.

WITH SURGERY: A surgeon removes an area of abnormal cells during an operation. Surgery may be excisional or incisional.


If the biopsy and other tests show that you have cancer, you may have more tests to help your doctor plan treatment. For instance, your doctor will need to figure out the stage of your cancer. For some cancers, knowing the grade of the tumor or risk group that you fall into are important for deciding on the best treatment. Your tumor may also be tested further for other tumor or genetic markers.

To learn more about other tests that may be used to plan treatment for your cancer, see the PDQ® cancer treatment summaries for adult and childhood cancers for your type of cancer. Source: National Cancer Institute


Click HERE to read all about some of the DEADLIEST TOXINS identified in fire zones by renowned toxicology expert Prof. David Purser. Also review medical comparisons in cancer latency and recurrence cases between CHERNOBYL and 9/11 + our first Pulmonary study in our summer newsletter feature" "IT ALL STARTS AT THE LUNGS" The Bee Gees are not the only messengers for STAYING ALIVE. Meet retired paramedic and volunteer firefighter Richard Marrone & hear his "Get Checked Now!" story.



Historical reports show significant cancer claims from emergency rescue units- especially FIREFIGHTERS. Where prior diagnoses may not identify dormant cancer strains, this program is attuned to search for and recognize markers from a thorough and comprehensive review with the use of advanced Histogram Analysis technology. Dr. Bard's program is also available for pinpointing a more accurate 'second view' of the behavior of pre-existing 9/11-related cancer cases (thyroid, kidney, prostate, lung, pancreatic, leukemia & multiple myeloma, etc.) and can recommend solutions that may confirm or invalidate prior reviews. Also, the BCD program is designed to providing a detailed analysis of many tumors, cysts or premalignant lesions that is complementary to most recognized biopsy reports without the invasive surgical procedure!

Another effective "weapon" in the battle against this epidemic is the Bard Cancer Diagnostic Program: From Advanced Cancer Scanning to the Non-Invasive "Digital Biopsy". Once the patient has been certified (and validated) by the WTC Health Program, individuals suffering from 9/11 related illnesses can receive VCF Compensation and reimbursements for their medical treatment. Patients now have their own choice of health professionals and the option to pursue recently available advanced medical care.

Dr. Robert Bard, expert Cancer diagnostician and the Northeast’s expert in 4D Doppler Imaging has developed the POST 9/11 CANCER DIAGNOSTICS PROGRAM. His NYC-based facilities (Bard Cancer Diagnostic Imaging) are equipped with only the most advanced state-of-the-art technologies that often out-performs higher-priced MRI’s, CT-Scan’s and X-Rays while promising to deliver more affordable and accurate reports in REAL-TIME from a process that's ready in MINUTES. BCD is prepared to provide any 9/11 first responder or survivor with advanced cancer screenings to search for impending cancers. Pre-cancerous symptoms that may arise as per the rising reported numbers of post-9/11 cancer cases are evaluated quickly, accurately and painlessly.

BARD CANCER DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING(NYC) has isolated and scanned countless cases of cancers using the most advanced diagnostic imaging technologies worldwide. We provide early detection and real-time "digital biopsies" of many tumor types using 4D Doppler innovations bringing accuracy and expediency to the comprehensive report- within MINUTES. For our patients, this is a priceless advantage that cuts down the wait time, decreases travel (to multiple diagnostic centers) and reduces the insurmountable level of stress and intolerable problems of today’s increasing medical bureaucracy. Our technology outperforms the advantages of MRI, X-ray and CT scans by 20-to-1. We have an uncompromising system that’s unique to the health care profession whereby our combined experience and technical advancements are called upon by many university hospitals and private practices today. My services were recently utilized during the terror attack in Nice by the truck driver who mowed down innocent civilians on the French Riviera where-x-ray and CT services were overwhelmed (I am a current member of the French Radiology Society-Societe Francaise de Radiologie since 1999)

With the aid of 4D Doppler Technology, Dr. Bard can identify, detect and analyze many tumors from pre-malignant areas to advanced cancerous cases. The regular sonogram shows a malignant disorder (top) while the 4D scan (bottom) displays a mass filled with cancerous arteries and veins meaning this is highly aggressive requiring immediate attention.

Exposure to toxins may produce cancers in many organs. This patients chronic cough prompted a chest sonogram showing a pulmonary tumor that had produced malignant fluid partially collapsing the breathing volume but had not yet metastasized below the diaphragm. The liver, an early target of cancer seeding, was clearly seen to be untouched in the same sonogram study simply by moving the probe from the chest wall to the abdomen sparing our patient from extra testing and mental stress over the possible spread of disease.

Our mesothelioma patient (pictured above) had a minor injury and noticed a new lump under the small bruise. A 5 minute scan showed the discoloration was caused by minor blood vessel damage due to the underlying BENIGN fatty tumor.  Cysts and other non-malignant disorders can be distinguished from metastatic lymph nodes (glands) providing “real-time” relief of anxiety of cancer recurrence.


Having paved the way for the study of various cancers both clinically and academically, Dr. Robert Bard co-founded the 9/11 Cancer Scan program to bring additional diagnostic support to all first responders from Ground Zero. His main practice in midtown, NYC (Bard Diagnostic Imaging- uses the latest in digital Imaging technology has been also used to help guide biopsies and in many cases, even replicate much of the same reports of a clinical invasive biopsy. Imaging solutions such as high-powered Sonograms, Spectral Doppler, sonofluoroscopy, 3D/4D Image Reconstruction and the Spectral Doppler are safe, noninvasive, and does not use ionizing radiation. It is used as a complement to find anomalies and help diagnose the causes of pain, swelling and infection in the body’s internal organs while allowing the diagnostician the ability to zoom and ‘travel’ deep into the body for maximum exploration.

Dr. Stoff is a highly-credentialed medical expert studying all medical remedies in pursuit of resolving the most challenging health issues of our time. In many circles, he is recognized for his 35+ years of dedicated work in immunology and advanced clinical research in modern CANCER treatments. He has spoken worldwide in some of the most sought-after medical conferences about his experiences and analyses on the study of human disease. His integrative practice INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE OF NY, Westbury, NY) has been continually providing all patients with the many comprehensive clinical options and modalities available- including "ONCO-IMMUNOLOGY", the science of battling cancer cells and reversing pre-cancerous conditions through a complete prevention program that has earned him great success in this field.Dr. Stoff has treated and managed countless patients who were affected by 9/11-related disorders and continues both public awareness efforts and clinical research in supporing this community of victims.

After the Compassionate Care Act came into effect, Dr. Thomas O’Brien upgraded his family practice in NYC to include the use of medical marijuana (THC & CBD solutions) for his patients by being one of the first certified physicians in the State of New York allowed to prescribe regulated dosages of THC and CBD as needed. His use of this treatment solution includes patients with a wide range of disorders from chronic pain to cancer and tumors. Credentialed as a clinical nutritionist, getting certified to treat patients with cannabis products has become a logical next-step evolution and a positive addition to Dr. O’Brien’s tool box. His research with medical cannabis showed extensive clinical success and was also impressed by its nature-based solution to help a widening list of disorders without harmful side effects. (see complete article)

As a therapist and coach, much of Jessica's work with clients is focused on helping to manage symptoms of anxiety and panic- that which manifests in physical and often frightening & alarming ways. This includes the many emotional and psychological stressors (such as being diagnosed with CANCER and other chronic illnesses) which can bring feelings of being out control of our bodies and our surrounding world. Jessica has been recognized for providing great support for patients managing varying levels of Trauma and residually related fears by working together to process physical emotions that arise from anxiety. Her specialized work is dedicated to supporting patients in living more presently and enjoying life’s fulfilling moments by identifying challenging thoughts and processing them in a more self-aware and grounded way. Visit her website-

Dr. Stephen Chagares is a NJ board-certified surgeon in Tinton Falls and a global pioneer in advanced robotic procedures. He is a major supporter of post-surgical health maintenance for all patients especially cancer survivors who underwent reconstructive surgeries. His commitment to the continued evolution of modern medicine supports the development of protocols to use advanced ultrasonic screening solutions for all mastectomy patients and implant users. "I am hoping Dr. Bard’s advanced ultrasonic screening becomes the foundation for development of future protocols for screening and diagnostic imaging for all breast implant patients. Hopefully, these protocols using this ultrasound technology can be incorporated with other breast implant safety programs to create the best medical care possible for all breast implant patients.” - (see complete feature article) For more about Dr. Chagares, visit his website-

CHERI AMBROSE, Co-editor / outreach coordinator for NYCRA
Cheri is the associate editor for various publications such as PinkSmart News, the Journal for Modern Healing and First Responders Cancer News. She is a patient advocate for many cancer-related programs and often contributes her time in cancer research fundraising events. As the communications director for the NY Cancer Resource Alliance, she manages community outreach, partnership missions with other cancer foundations and research organizations and attends educational functions for cancer awareness. Her latest public projects include the launch of and She stands as the current President of the male Breast Cancer Coalition (



The New York Cancer Resource Alliance (NYCRA) is a self-funded union of volunteers comprised of caregivers, accredited medical professionals, cancer educators, publishers and published experts, patient support clinicians and non-profit foundation partners whose united mission is to bring public education and supportive resource information to the community of patients, survivors and any individual(s) seeking answers about cancer. NYCRA is an exclusive, non-commercial private network originally established on the LINKEDIN digital society and is supported in part by the AngioFoundation whose mission is to share informative materials to the community. For more information, visit:


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